Hunter Osprey no 2 m/skaft ø6mm
Dette er kanskje det siste bolle/formskulpjernet du kjøper? Perfekt til bolledreiing og gir en flott finish. Et kraftig jern med ø13mm skaft og med kutter no 2 (ø8mm). Total lengde 53cm. Brukes som et annet dreiejern og skjærer fibrene lett og elegant. Selve skjæret er et rundt HM skjær med en spesiell fasong som gjør at fibrene skjæres av. Varer opptil 100 ganger lenger enn vanlig HSS stål kuttere. Når den sløves, løsnes kutteren og roteres slik at ny skarp egg blir klar for bruk. Når alle sider av kutteren er brukt erstattes den med ny. Sliping anbefales ikke pga at det da er lett å endre vinkelen på kutteren som kan «ødelegge» bruksområdet.
Index or rotate the Hunter Tool Cutter
· Clean out the screw socket and loosen the torx screw
· Rotate the cutter to another section of the insert.
· Tighten the torx screw with the flag style torx wrench
· Visually inspect the tool to make sure the cutter is firmly seated in the pocket
Replacing Hunter Tool Cutter with a new cutter:
· Clean out the screw socket and remove the torx screw. Be careful as Murphy’s Law states: The screw will fall into the woodchips and youwill not be able to find it.
· Remove the old cutter, inspect and clean the pocket of the bar to remove any chips or shavings.
· Lightly lubricate the screw, place the new cutter in the bar and while firmly holding the cutter seated in the bar, tighten the torx screw to secure the cutter. It is recom-mended to use the flag style torx wrench and to tighten to finger tight.
· Visually inspect the tool to make sure the cutter is firmly seated in the pocket.
General Maintenance
· It is recommended to do a random rotation of the cutter every time the tool is used.
· Storage is important. Like all high quality tools, place the tool in the storage rack when not in use.
· Clean out the socket of the screw with a pick, safety pin, or paper clip so the torx wrench will fully seat in the screw.
· Lightly grease or lubricate screw threads often and every time you turn wet wood.
· Do not over tighten the screw. Finger tight is all that is needed. The use of the flag style torx wrench provided is all of the tightness needed.
· Visually inspect the tool to make sure the cutter is firmly seated in the pocket.
Safety Guidelines:
· Read the application guides before using the tools.
· Set the tool rest height to the top of cutter to the centerline of the lathe.
· Read and understand your lathe owner’s manual.
· As with all tools, do not force the tool … give it time to cut.
· It is recommended to do a random rotation of the cutter each time the tool is used.
· Lightly grease or lubricate screw threads often and every time you turn wet wood.
· Wear safe clothing and eye / face protection.
Brutto vekt | 0.4 kg |
Merke | Hunter Tool Systems |
Netto vekt | 0.4 kg |