Entropy resin farger 6 stk SOFT
Entropy fargetilsetninger brukes sammen med den krystallklare Entropy Clear Casting epoxy (CCR) eller Permakote epoxy når man skal skape et personlig og unikt uttrykk på det man lager, for eksempel et rivertable, et smykke, en skulptur eller et dekorativt bilde. Det er bare fantasien som setter grenser for hvordan du kan benytte disse fargetilsetningene sammen med epoxy.
Entropy fargetilsetninger finnes både i "Soft" og "Vivid" De "softe" fargestoffene er mer duse og transparente i sitt uttrykk, mens "Vivid" er renere, sterkere og klarere. Vi anbefaler at man prøver seg fram og blir kjent med de ulike fargene. Når du har gjort dette, kan du mikse og blande slik du ønsker, og på den måten få fram fantastiske farger og effekter!
Entropy Vivid:
Sett av 6 stk. ulike transparente, duse og pene farger som benyttes til å sette farge på Entropy- eller Permakote epoxy.som benyttes til å sette farge på Entropy- eller Permakote epoxy.
Settet består av følgende farger:
- Turkis-blå (Turquoise)
- Hvit (Snowy Peaks)
- Lilla (Lavender Hills)
- Rosa (Flamingo Pink)
- Lys blå (Caribbean Blue)
- Aprikos (Fresh Apricot)
Svært drøye i bruk:
Entropy fargetilsetninger er svært drøye i bruk, og man skal kun tilsette noen få dråper med farge til epoxyen før man oppnår en fin og effektfull virkning. Mengden med farge som skal tilsettes epoxyblandingen tilpasses etter eget ønske og hvor kraftig man ønsker fargeeffekten. Man kan blande de ulike fargene slik man vil. Hver flaske med fargestoff inneholder 25gr.
Effektivt og spennende:
Det er fantastisk morsomt og spennende og se hvordan epoxyen og uttrykket på det man lager endrer seg når man tilsetter ulike fargetilsetninger. Her er det bare å prøve seg fram og finne fram til det kreative uttrykket som du selv ønsker.
Å bruke Entropy Soft eller Vivd fargetilsetninger til sine arbeider gir effektfulle og flotte resultater!
Litt mer info, hentet fra produsentens nettside:
If you want advice on how to use colour with epoxy, read our top tips. The tints have been specifically designed for use with crystal-clear ENTROPY RESINS® Clear Casting Epoxy, although the tints can be used with all the ENTROPY RESINS products.
ENTROPY RESINS products are world renowned for their bio content and sustainable attributes and are used to manufacture river tables, jewellery and action sports goods such as surf and snow boards. The exciting liquid tints bring bold and beautiful colours to epoxy and can be added to epoxy mix to make stunning deep colours, or to add softer translucent tones. It all depends on the quantities involved, so make sure you practice before pouring and use caution if you’re aiming for a translucent look.
The Soft Tint Pack contains: Lavender Hills, Flamingo Pink, Caribbean Blue, Turquoise, Snowy Peaks, Fresh Apricot. The Vivid Tint Pack contains: Berry Red, Lemon Zest, Eclipse, Lily Pad Green, Snowy Peaks and Celestial Blue.
A little goes a long way – a few drops is often enough. ENTROPY RESINS tints are blendable. You can blend primary colours to produce your own designer colours – you’re only limited by your imagination. We advise adding the tints to a small quantity of mixed epoxy until the required colour is reached and adding this tinted batch to the main mixed quantity. If trying to achieve a look with different colours within the epoxy, don’t try to use too many different colours at once (in the same mix) as they may all mix together to one colour. It’s straightforward to build up layers of colour. Use a different colour per pour, allowing each layer to gel prior to pouring the next.
It is possible to create swirly colour patterns within a clear epoxy pour but it may take some practice. Use a drop of tint on a palette and a toothpick to create fine lines. You can use wider implements to shape other patterns but we advise using hard items. Don’t use brushes which can leave hairs, or anything which may introduce debris into your creation. It’s important that swirls (or colour drops) are sealed in the epoxy so the undiluted tint is not left exposed on the surface. If left on the surface, some colour transfer may occur.
If you are casting items within epoxy, keep in mind that colour tinting may change the colour of the cast items. For example, dried yellow flower petals in blue tinted epoxy will appear green.
When working with glass cloth (laminating) it’s useful to know that the tint will impregnate the cloth – and almost hold any pattern you add. For example, you could pour an ‘S’ shape and it’d hold with a small bleed at the edges. It’s possible to achieve a marbling effect by pouring multi-coloured layers, leaving them to dye the fabric, then squeegeeing off the excess. The first colour that hits the cloth is the one that sticks. For example if you pour a blue tinted epoxy onto the bare glass and then a red tinted epoxy over the top, the blue will be prevalent when it’s flattened out.
Stunning colour tints for epoxy creations added to ENTROPY RESINS® range
A line of liquid colours has been released to add bold and beautiful tints to epoxy. The tints are part of the bio-based Entropy Resins® product range and can be added to epoxy creations (after the resin and hardener is mixed) to bring deep colour, or to add softer translucent tones.
Specifically designed for epoxy river tables, jewellery and other crafts as well as sporting equipment like surf, skate and snowboards, the beautiful selection of colours come in two thematic packs, Soft and Vivid.
The Soft Tint Pack contains: Lavender Hills, Flamingo Pink, Caribbean Blue, Turquoise, Snowy Peaks and Fresh Apricot. The Vivid Tint Pack contains: Berry Red, Lemon Zest, Eclipse, Lily Pad Green, Snowy Peaks and Celestial Blue.
The tints are in liquid form and, in keeping with Entropy Resins ethos of being environmentally friendly, they are water based. Each tint comes in a 25g recycled plastic bottle with a droplet nozzle designed for precision control. Both packs contain six complementary tones, ready to inspire all creatives.
The tints are straightforward to use as a blanket colour, a translucent effect and/or to add highlight threads into designs. They are particularly effective when used with Entropy Resins products. That’s because the bio-based epoxy has low viscosity for easy pouring, is brilliant at degassing and has a lengthy pot life to allow time for stunning creative work.
“The Entropy Resins tints were developed in response to customer needs,” says Ian Oliver, managing director of Wessex Resins and Adhesives, the company which manufactures Entropy Resins under licence from Gougeon Brothers Inc. “There are people all over the world using Entropy Resins for the bio-based formula, being kinder to the environment. They’re making stunning river tables, wonderful jewellery and a whole range of crafts – and they were clamouring for colour tints specifically designed to work within the crystal-clear finish of Entropy Resins Clear Casting epoxy – we are really excited to see what they produce with the tints.”
Also in the Entropy Resins product line are recycled plastic graduated mixing pots (800ml) and wooden mixing sticks.
As well as crafts, Entropy Resins products are used in a variety of applications, from coating and laminating at room temperature, compression moulding, and casting and embedding to produce water clear, UV-stable finishes. Due to their sustainability credentials, Entropy Resins epoxies are used extensively by action sport goods manufacturers for the construction of items such as surf and snowboards.
Brutto vekt | 0.22 kg |
Bredde | 9 |
Høyde | 6 |
Lengde | 10 |
Merke | Entropy Resins |
Netto vekt | 0.22 kg |